The Authority of God's Word We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God. The Scriptures are the ultimate source of faith and practice for every aspect of our lives. The Bible is God's self-revelation to humanity and reveals the very purpose for which He created us. Through its pages, we gain insight into the depths of our own sinful hearts and the brokenness of the world, stemming from humanity's fall into sin. Most importantly, the Word of God unveils the way of salvation in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, enabling us to be transformed into His image for the glory of God. Our Confessions We are rooted in the rich tradition of the early Christian Church and the New Testament Church. Our beliefs find expression through the usage of the three ancient creeds: the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. These creeds, dating back to the early centuries of Christianity, articulate our fundamental doctrines and beliefs. Additionally, we embrace the Three Forms of Unity, which emerged during the 16th-century Reformation. These documents serve as summaries of our faith:
Belgic Confession This confession provides a clear and concise statement of our beliefs, emphasizing the essentials of the Christian faith.
Heidelberg Catechism This catechism offers a comprehensive explanation of Christian doctrine, serving as a valuable teaching tool for our congregation.
Canons of Dort The Canons of Dort address critical theological questions, particularly related to God's sovereignty in salvation, providing a foundation for our understanding of God's grace and mercy.